Saturday, July 28th:
Starting at 12pm in Queen's Park, Occupy Gardens is hosting a garden party. Bring some food for the potluck (and a reusable plate, fork, and cup), some instruments to jam, and good spirit. There will be discussions and free gardening classes all day! Free'scool will be there as well - we have some things to discuss as a group, and are bringing banners and information on the mega quarry. If you can contribute some materials as well that would be great.
If anyone would like to help set up, please come at 11:15am.
12:30-1pm - Opening Ceremony
1-2pm - Plant a Summer Garden: Hands on Workshop
- Campus Garden Tour with Dig In! UofT Campus Agriculture
2-3:30pm - Food Politics and the Occupy Movement: talk and discussion
2:30-3pm - Garden Tour of Kahonitake Kitikan: Native Students' Association Garden
3-3:30pm - Seed Saving: hands on workshop
3:30-4pm - Vermicomposting: hands on workshop
Sunday, July 29th:
12:00pm - Gather - opening free'scool ceremony
12:30pm - Kung-Fu
1:00pm - Community Resilience
3:00pm - Real Democracy, First Nations history
5:00pm - break! Potluck (please bring food!!!!!!!), relax, go for a walk
6:30pm - Natural Cordage Making, Economics Discussion
8:00pm - Understanding Resistance (this week, we're looking at arts-based resistance)
10:00pm - go home : )