Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17th Student Union Meeting Minutes

Agenda: we went with a free-flowing discussion today
reminders: Tomorrow is art project day – meeting at Ossington station at 4pm; goes to 8pm, COMER court case that was scheduled for tomorrow, july 18th, has been pushed back to september, so no action tomorrow morning. Need some people to volunteer to bring some potluck food on Sunday. 

3 new classes this week: 
1-3pm community resilience is starting (looking at ways to plan and protect and provide for ourselves after the current system). this is an ongoing class
1-3pm ayurveda health: traditional Indian medicine. this is a one-time workshop
6:30-8pm Cordage making: natural rope making. 

1. T-shirts – start making t-shirts and patches
            a. Sylvia has all the equipment except press and designs
            b. Laura has the press
            c. Tomorrow’s (Wednesday, July 18th) art class will solidify designs
            d. Need to get: water-based inks, emulsion, and four screens
            e. Online survey: come up with your own slogan!
            f. Doc on Facebook where we can put up the slogans

2. This Sunday, July 22nd
1-3pm - Community Resilience
             - Ayurveda Health
3-5pm – D and FNH
6:30pm - Economic Discussion: how to re-vamp the course (?) 
6:30pm-8pm - Cordage-making, and Natural Dyes (?)
              8-10pm – Understanding Resistance

Economics: take it online – what questions do people have on economics/we have had some problems, how do we make it more engaging?
- More activities
- Explore new economic systems - How do we transition?
- Bring it to Sunday discussion – how do we re-vamp it…slowly turn it into a class

3. Art-day: 4-8pm - meeting at 4pm at Ossington Subway Station
- Jo has some materials; please bring some if you can
-  Start on some media ideas
- Friday, Roxy and Arestia are going to go around neighbourhoods to talk about free’scool…if anyone wants to join
- Free’scool has a tumblr now!!!! Please send us pictures

4. Space Proposals
- Write out proposal asking for those who have space
- Will start this week

5. Curriculum Vitae
- This Sunday some people re-vamped a draft CV for free-scool. Here are some comments from the original writers:
- What we ended up writing was a derivative of a derivative of a derivative
            - Personally it didn’t contain the potency of the original
            - Don’t think we should dumb down the words – too watered down
            - It is living – keeps changing
            - Would like someone on the outside to look at both versions and combine

6. Sunday Potluck: who will bring food this week?
- Arestia, Roxy, ask Facebook group…

7. Wednesday July 18th COMER Court Case:
- Was postponed until September/October – no action tomorrow

8. Fall
Need to …
- have a Huge re-launch campaign with maps, photos, stories of what we’ve done so far
- Find spaces in all different areas of the city
- 1 course to meet 2 days a week to allow consistency and commitment