About Us

Welcome to the Toronto Free Skule

We use education as a tool for self-liberation, and collective resistance. We present an education founded in respect for everyone’s knowledge.
We are students, teachers, workers, community members, friends, and family; we are the oppressed and the privileged. We are the people, and we no longer consent to an education system that teaches us to compete with each other; a system that commodifies knowledge, denying the existence of multiple truths, and multiple ways of knowing.

Education, in its current institutional form, separates us along lines of class, gender, race, sexuality, able-bodiedness, and the 'gifted' from the 'slow'. It imposes a singular way of thinking that denies culture, and community. In short, it conforms us to the workforce.

We are individuals who have come together, to collectively break free from the invisible shackles of neoliberal education. We no longer consent to its narrow concepts of knowledge and being.

We believe that the only way to break free, is to make visible the illusion - questions Truths, knowledge, power, and ourselves - and create an alternative together.

Please visit our Zine Issue #1 2012 for a description of...