Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Recap of July 8th Human Rights Class/ Reminder: class takes place tonight @7:30pm, OISE 5th floor

Focus- responsibilities to respect fulfill promote and defend human rights
state-all institutions and individuals 
questions re value of treaties 
discussion of obligation regardless of enforcement 
discussion about the festival for education as class project

Links to issues of concern- environment-the basics water food housing
Idea: defend water first -such as the mega quarry project
field trip- to Mega Quarry Action 

Homework assignment:
Bring a question, statement, poem or whatever medium you prefer that expresses-concisely, what you want to say to the people about the human right to water. 
Individual homework: research the quarry conflict so we are informed before we get involved in action.
educator request-please someone assist Roxy with bookmobile....

Idea: new students get briefed by current students in small groups 
- also please post useful data and articles for library

Time change: 
Given the level of activity being generated and the need for some people to leave the city on some weekends, we are going to hold the next class and others to follow after the student union mtg on teusday evening-730 or so...
there will be a class next sunday.
Sundays off will be posted soon.

ps. I would appreciate occasional snacks to share around, and good homework we can use for action learning 

Thank everybody for attending! 
- Josephine Grey
Human Rights Teacher