1. Sunday Details
2. Course Report Backs
3. New Courses and Student Strike
4. OUTREACH!!!!!!!!!
8pm Students and Workers' Unite! OSMC hosts a march to spread the student strike starting at George Brown College (George St. and King St. E.)
Wednesday, June 6th: 8pm Casseroles Night Starting at Dufferin Grove - bring your pots and pans in support of the students!
Sunday June 10th: remember, classes have moved to Alexandra Park! Classes will still be held all day from 1pm through to midnight.
Human Rights - research human rights treaties signed by Canada: the class has chosen to focus on creating a document which explains the student struggle for free and equitable education from a human rights perspective. This is the research faze.
Democracy - read excerpt from chapter 2 of Real Democracy at
Equity - we will be taking the next class to discuss self-care and support networks in activism work. Think on which of the following you would like to focus on for the week of the 17th: non-violence, or Canadian immigration
Direct Action - which actions would you like to carry out as a class? What issue do you want to focus on? Research a storyline to your proposed action, and past actions of the same ilk.