12:30-1pm - Gather
1:00-3pm - Human Rights with Josephine Grey or
1:00-2pm - General Assembly Facilitation with Sakura Saunders
2:00-3pm - Plant Identification with Maria Kassan
3:00-5pm - Occupy Democracy with Brent or
- First Nations History with Brenda Wastasecoot, teacher at the University of Toronto in Aboriginal Studies
5:00-6pm - Social Hour and Dinner with Everyone
6:00-8pm - Economics with Dix Sandbeck or
- Love in Action with Veronica Campbell
8:00-10pm - Equity Studies and Writing with roxy
10:00-12pm - Direct Action Training with Ian
what a wonderful, and jam-packed schedule. can't wait to learn again with you all this Sunday x
p.s. it's father's day, and that means: bring your father to skule day!