Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12th Student Union Meeting Minutes

1.     Next Sunday and this past sunday 
a.    22nd 
2.     24th and 30th
3.     Bank Account
4.     General Outreach
In attendance: Arrestia, alex, dix, roxy , chantel, chris, veronica, george, brent, laura, Mao

Decisions made: - Sunday July 1st will be a skule-holiday!!!
                           - We will run 2 courses at the same time
                           - Saturday June 23rd we have a table at the anarchist book fair from 10am-3:30pm, we need volunteers
                          - This Sunday will be the once a month skule-wide discussion during social hour
1.     Alexandra Park: how did this Sunday go, and what to do for next Sunday:
a.     Problem with the dogs so…
b.     Move further back into the park
c.      Need a banner
                                               i.     Veronica to go to sketch – 12-4pm on Thursday, if anyone would like to help in the banner discussion, please come!  
d.     Talk to scadding court community center – Arrestia to contact coordinators
e.     Need to stay here for at least a month
f.      Trust in the potluck system for food
g.     Guest speaker and economics activity cut off one another’s discussion time.

2.     Next parks, ideas:
a.     Grange Park
b.     Philosopher’s Walk
c.      Trinity Bellwoods Park
d.     Christie Pits
e.     Dufferin Grove

24th and the 30th: 24th is OM festival, 30th is Canada Day. There have been requests to take these days off:
1.     Keep the 24th
2.     Take the 1st off

3.     Bank Account – we need 2 people to open an account
-       Need 2 people to open the account
-       Laura and Roxy to open the account to go 9:30 on Friday
-       Chris to make the letter head
-       Once we have a bank account

3.     General Outreach:
a.     Roxy will use last $15 from Occupy Toronto to print more flyers
b.     Brent has made pamphlet for democracy course with free skule website on it
c.      Dufferin Grove 8pm is casseroles, both flyers should be headed out
d.     “Find out about free skule booth” – people sign-up for courses
                                               i.     find a day, set up in a busy area
e.     Teachers need to hold some responsibility to get students to their class
f. Please send an email to occupyfreeskule@gmail.com if you have time in the next week to flyer and/chalk the immediate community around Alexandra Park 

4.     New Courses
a.     Chris is developing course on Marijuana Rights – Laura will contact hot box café
b.     Love in Action – spirituality in activism to be taught with readings and arts
                                               i.     Veronica is going to make a Facebook group
                                              ii.     6-8pm
c.      Aboriginal studies class to start – will let the teacher choose time-slot

d.     What to do with more courses?
                                               i.     2 courses concurrently à decided that this was ok
                                              ii.     Courses every other week à looses continuity
                                            iii.     Courses can start on Sundays and then continue on their own time
                                            iv.     Discussion on whether 2 hours or 2 hour is best? ½ hour is already cut off, 2 hours is working well as long is it is flexible on both ends; need 2 hours for everyone to be heard
e.     Instructors should collect a sheet of student contacts, and send out reminder email 

5.     Other ideas
a.     Badges for course completion
b.     July 18th is Anne’s court case against the Bank of Canada – should come speak about her case
c.      Another member of comer is 99 years old and should come talk
d.     Have 1 time slot for guest speakers/musicians
e.     Josephine to run a free skule course at OM festival; Laura will do outreach at OM
f.      Invite prominent members of the community to come and speak
g.     Laura to take on volunteer coordinator
h.     Need to be looking a week ahead – have a guest speaker decided on this Sunday to promote for next Sunday
i.       Need to create a culture of coming on time, by showing up early, and start courses on time.
                                               i.     If you come in late, the class will not stop to update you
j.       Human Rights Class is planning for a end of August “Families for Education” festival
k.     Anarchist book fair June 23rd we have a table from 10am-3:30pm – need volunteers – email Laura through occupyfreeskule@gmail.com @ the Bahen Center 35 St. George St.

6.     Next Skule-wide discussion
a.     It’s been over a month that we’ve been in operation
b.     Need feedback, and advice
c.      Do it through a knowledge tree – have it present for the whole skule day, focus specific energies on this during the social hour
                                               i.     Veronica to make a banner at sketch
                                              ii.     Roxy will buy post-it-notes
                                            iii.     Roots = what needs to be improved, problems we face
                                            iv.     Trunk = new ideas
                                              v.     Leaves = what’s going well
d.     General Survey for each class? – many thought this was too vague and would not generate wanted information