Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th Student Union Meeting Minutes

1. This Sunday
2. New Classes in 6-8pm and 1-3pm timeslot
3. Fundraising
4. Volunteers- update
5. NAME!!!!!!!
6. Other

Decisions: every week 3 people will sign up for potluck on Sunday; every week one to two member(s) of the student union will be the welcome committee; July 18th we will fieldtrip to COMER's court case against the bank of Canada: Court FillingPress Release


This Sunday:
- Economics is on break
- Last Human Rights Class on Sundays? – Jo will get back to us
- Plant ID – need to check how many weeks that Doug can do
- Political Intervention Theatre - see if Grace can do more weeks
- For Potluck: encourage everyone to bring something, but 3 people each week sign up to make food for the next week
- For this week: George – main dish, Arestia – desert/snack, Roxy – salad
-  Welcome committee: Roxy and Arestia to split shifts
- During social hour – discussion on july 18th
                                    - informal occupy discussion for 9 month anniversary

New Classes for the 1-3pm and 6-8pm timeslot:
- Pre-registration for classes 1-2 weeks before they start

1. First Aid Training – is coming, Ian is in contact
2. Doug and Grace will be asked about plant ID, and political theatre respectively
3. Healing the Mind- is coming
4. Ayurvedic Health – Li would like to teach sometime after 5pm.
5. Community Resilience – to start the week after next (July 22nd)
6. Want to start an exercise class, for before classes…ask around. Maybe self-defense

- Treasure Hunt
            - Sponsors to donate gift certificate to get prizes
            - On Sunday, will talk during the social – make a timeline
            - End in a picnic (and music?)

- volunteertoronto.com costs $50
-LIFT will see if they can sponsor

Idea brought to student union:
- freeskule
- freesküle
- Rad School -
- Free School  -
- Free’scool
- Take Out Toronto and Take Out Occupy…Just Free’scool

July 18th - Field Trip to Court Case against Bank of Canada
                  - Get there for 9am and have a 30min-1hr discussion about what the court case is about – then go see it…maybe do a write up for the site?
                  - On Sunday, give a 10 min talk on the case and ask people to write out a question to bring on Wednesday

- Curriculum Rules – George has begun to write out some guidelines,
            - To type it up to give everyone a week to think critically about it

Occupy Toronto: need to write a letter telling them that they need to contact us before making decisions concerning the free’scool  

- Occupy Gardens Summer Jam, garden party picnic potluck on Saturday July 28th at the People's Peas Garden in Queens Park…free skule classes/table?
            -Going to conflict with Megaquarry action.
            -Once megaquarry action is confirmed, talk to Gardens and see if they know about it/are willing to move