Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 New Course Coming Soon to Free'scool: Healing The Mind and Ayurveda Health

Healing the Mind: A Discussion Course on Self-Esteem and Self Empowerment
A 16 week course (2 hours, 1 day a week) Start time: TBA
with Chantel Tophen

This course is designed to encourage people to shine a light on the behaviors and thought patterns that may be holding them back from becoming happy, healthy, self-confident, positive, constructive, complete and empowered. It is intended to serve as a guide for each individual to work their way through their issues in order to achieve self-esteem in its truest form and thus raising the self-esteem of those around them just by being an example of how influential and inspiring a person can and will become once they have mastered control over their thought and behavior patterns. By healing thyself, you heal those around you, and I believe this to be a very important first step in creating a world where everyone feels free and welcome to be themselves and secure of themselves enough to help and encourage those around them to feel free and welcome to do the same.
Many parts of this course include sharing experiences, memories, and feelings with each other. It is not a requirement to participate in those exercises if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. It is also possible to learn from other people’s examples if that is how you prefer to participate, although I would encourage full participation if possible, when you are ready.
Passing this course does not mean receiving a passing grade. There will be no grades given. Passing is your own evaluation of your progress and whether you feel you could benefit from taking this course again, or if you feel you’ve absorbed what you needed to and are ready to move on with the skills and information you’ve retained. http://www.facebook.com/healingthemind.toronto

Please email us if you are interested in taking this course - it will start after students show interest. Email: torontofreescool@gmail.com  Subject: Healing the Mind

 Intro to Ayurveda: Traditional Indian Medicine
               1-time Workshop July 15th, 2012 1-3pm
with Lilou Moonbeat 

Ayurveda is the holistic medical system of ancient India that has been in practice for over 5000 years. It explains how the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether interact in the cycles of natures and in our bodies. Illness arises from specific elements out of balance. Understanding these natural cycles allows us to bring the elements back into balance and restore health. 
This course will be 1 class and comprise of lecture with lots of time for questions and discussion, experiential exercises, and easy home remedies.

Please email us if you are interested in taking this workshop. 
Email: torontofreescool@gmail.com  Subject: Ayurveda