Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday June 3rd Class Schedule, and Course Assignments

12:30-1pm - Gather 
1:00-3pm - Human Rights with Josephine
3:00-5pm - Occupy Democracy with Brent
5:00-6pm - Social Hour and Dinner with everyone
                         - Garden Tour" of the Occupy Garden we planted the week before last with Occupy Gardens,  care needed6:00-8pm - Economics with Dix
8:00-10pm - Equity and Popular Education Teaching Methods with Roxy
10:00-12pm - Direct Action Training with Ian

Come to the classes that fit with your schedule, come and eat, and hang out. Bring your instruments for between classes jam time, and the social hour. Bring your frisbees, and balls for between class sports. Bring your art supplies...to make art!
Recommended Assignments:
Human Rights - write a phrase to a page talking about the issues most important to you within a human rights framework. See the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights for guidance.

Occupy Democracy - Read Introduction (The Vision of Real Democracy) and Part 1 excerpt @ circleofdemocracy.net

Equity and Popular Education - write a phrase to page on: "Who Are You In Relation To The World?"


This is our last Sunday at St. James Park. Next Sunday, June 10th, our permanent Sunday location will be expanded to Alexandra Park.

Tuesday June 5th - Student Union meeting 6-7:30pm @ Philosopher's Walk. Then, march with OSMC to take back our education @ King St E. and George St. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Overview of May 27 Classes, and Call-Out For Saturday

A great day of classes yesterday! Thanks to Jo, Ian, and Dix for teaching-learning!
Reminder to the human rights class, you have an assignment: write up a phrase, a few sentences, or a page, applying a human rights framework to issues that affect you / your activism work.

On Saturday, June 2nd, is the really really free market in High Park. We'd love to bring some library books, some flyers, and hold a class or two. We need volunteers, so if you can make it, please contact us - we'd love the help!!!!

A sadder note: apparently free skule is threatening to someone (just as any collective action is threatening to any bully), and our facebook group has mysteriously been taken down. So, we made a facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/TorontoFreeSkule - please like it as another way to stay updated.

peace, love, and learning.
course-coordinator @ the free skule

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Equity and Writing Assignment Reminder

For the first class, which will start this Sunday 3-5pm, write a short piece (1-2 pages) on the following question:
"who are you in relation to the rest of the world?"

we will share in this question, as well as explore definitions of concepts including: colonialism, neo/post colonialism, imperialism, hegemony, formal equality vs. substantive equity, etc.
first we need to build our language toolbox!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inspiring Student Action!

Over 300 people came out today in the call for free, and equitable education! There was amazing spirit in the air. We marched from Hart House down to University and College where we took the intersection for a few minutes. We then continued to Police Headquarters and took the street for a time-being, to protest the new Quebec laws which limit the peoples' basic human rights. Finally, we marched down to Ryerson campus, where we occupied for a while and dispersed.

meanwhile, students marched in New York. Vancouver. Ottawa. And in Montreal, over 400,000 marched.

Check Out the news release from Occupy Toronto (free skule's in it): http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/newsrelease/11002

Things To Know, Do, and Consider Based On The Minutes - May 22nd

To Know:
1. Classes will once again be held on Sunday in St James Park starting at 12pm the schedule so far looks like this:
              12-1 - potluck and yoga and general skule discussion
              1:15-3:15 - human rights, and deescalation
              3:30-5:30 - equity and writing (*assignment: write a 1-2 page piece answering: "who are you in relation to the world", bring to class), and economics

To Do:

1. It is once again a potluck. please bring cutlery/plates if you can...and food!

2. Friday is another day of streetreach - if you can make it to: chalk, hand out business cards, busk for funds, or any combination, please contact us!

3. Send out that funding proposal to those you think could donate! while you're at it, link us up with any group working on/who would be interested in similar educational projects around the city.

To Consider:
1. Occupy Gardens is planning to garden in Queens Park from 5-7pm on Sunday. Do we want to, as a skule, shift our final classes over there - so we can have gardening and first aid, and so they can have more growers?

2. We are looking to start a second day of classes the week of June 12th. Any day preference...we're thinking Tuesday.

3. We have officially endorsed the Ontario Student Mobilization Coalition (OSMC).

Student Union Minutes - May 22nd

Alex - asked his union for $ from union, but didn’t work out

Roxy - today some free skulers gathered at Hart House in solidarity with Quebec students

Free Skule quoted in press release - what’s the point of $ if we’re not investing in the youth - along those lines

350 people by 2 pm

Roxy and Trey facilitated mini-GA - hit up University and College, in front of Police HQ, to Ryerson, then dispersed. Overall good rally, good momentum and spirit. After, there was a mtg (15 people) interested in continuing discussion > next action June 5th 6pm. And the OSMC, the Ontario Student Mobilization Coalition

Dix - what happened to Occupy Student group?

Roxy - I think they just totally fizzled out

Dix - there was a lot of people in the first mtg. but after 2nd mtg it got unproductive.

Arestia - occupy wants to be involved in this.

Laura - there was a school in Chatham I think where the student union was ousted. I guess stuff like this would fall under OSMC.

-------part of meeting missing------ask us on sunday or at the next meeting if you would like the details---------

Roxy - officially we are educators not organizers and do not advocate violence

Dix - I think the police are on the offensive.

Arestia - its amazing how well they’ve gotten used to those bikes - just cage you in.

Laura - I think we should keep in mind escalation with police

Mao - had made rapport with a cop in the park, and saw him again on May 1st

Dix- talked to cop about demonstration and why they were here. Surprised they didn’t just allow people to go into Simcoe Park

Mao - it was a trap - they had us basically caged.

Laura - maybe we could have a what-the-police-institution-looks-like workshop

Roxy - met Jenn, from Free University New York. I think we should organize with them and the Free Uni UK. Jenn has two strings of the school; one is the uni with regular weekly courses, other (forget name) does tactical free school, doing actions, etc. They occupied ministry of education and had a class. Something to keep in mind as we move forward.

Mao - mumble is good for conference calls

Dix - in Copenhagen economics students have rebeled and in Paris. In fall perhaps we should also get into that.
-i think we can get all kinds of classes, using mic check get kids out of the classroom. It’s really important to break down this learning structure.

Roxy - I think we can start some really cool classes going. FUNY has radical algebra

Arestia - can they send us their curriculum

Laura - should we make a promo video

alex - “are you tired of sitting on the couch all day?”
    -can have testitmonials

Arestia - it would be cool is free skule could go throughout Ontario.

Alex and Laura have connections in CFS

Dix - I have a 32” tv we could potentially use

Dave can run a silk screen workshop but needs funds

Alex - can contact grad student union for money

Laura - i think we could get under an umbrella org for non-profit so we can accept donations

Roxy - funding - estimate for a week (“Fund a week!” or “Fund Media”, etc)
Reworking Funding Proposal Document

Alex- concern about being in one park over and over and the cops coming in

Laura - i think it’s hard for people grouped to learn to look like bad guys

Roxy - we are not just one large org

    -one task for next week is make list of possible donation sources

Dix - about going somewhere like Nathan Phillips Sq with info and such ask for donations.

Arestia- could have also have wksps

Mao - we can set up an account at Alterna - needs 2 signatories - set up as community account

Dix - research credit union, alterna, etc for best option for us

Alex -  hoped to have more food, and also larger breaks

Roxy - 15 min breaks?

Overview of sunday
-we should have info on where to go to washrooms and other things
-we should have water - how are we going to bring it? have a jug we can fill at second cup?
-should put call out for people to bring own cups and plates and
-keep eye on size of groups and keeping it together
-maybe we should cut large groups into two
-coordinate to have one volunteer to be by the library (1-3, 3-5, 5-7) and put it outward facing more and not put stuff in front of it - Brian could do organizing around that
-should we have people RSVP for classes? easier to organize - Roxy already keeping track of people who want to regularly take class and pass contact info to TLs

-Roxy - friday another reach-out day
Laura to edit business cards

Funding Proposal

Ok, so we have a funding proposal! Send this to organizations you know that may want to help us in terms of space and monetarily. Comment below who you've sent it to! Or if you have any questions/concerns about the proposal, email occupyfreeskule@gmail.com.

Organization Overview: The Occupy Free Skule is a democratic space that offers free education for all. We are students, teachers, workers, family, and community members. We are creating a new education alternative that seeks to reconnect the community with self-actualized learning. We seek to create with communities the tools to own their education.

We practice democratic, popular education, in which discussion and action are our foremost tools for learning. Our course list so far includes: yoga, first aid training, equity and writing, human rights, economics, and gardening. Our course list is quickly expanding, and by July will also include at least: unpacking privilege, popular education models, democracy: what is it, 500 years of resistance: a history of Turtle Island, understanding the Canadian state, and much more.

Every Tuesday at 7pm, we hold a student union meeting; and, once a month, we host a skule-wide discussion to, as a group, be critical of ourselves, and improve. Please see our website for more specifics on our organizational and teaching models: torontofreeskule.blogspot.ca

Project overview:
The Occupy Free Skule is going to hold classes every Sunday (from 12-8pm) at St. James Park. We are also hoping to expand to Tuesday evening classes (from 3-9pm) as well.

Needs and Requests:
For all of this to happen successfully, we need resources. There are two ways that you could support the free skule:
  1. Space: we are looking for office space, spaces to use in case of rain on Sundays, space to use for classes on Tuesday evening, permanent space for a library, for a computer lab, and a permanent space for when the weather turns colder.
  2. Funding: here are the different areas in which we need funding monthly, assuming we have eight classes with 15 learners each:

ResourceEstimated Price
The classroom-------
General supplies$200
Course-specific resources – more practical courses such as first aid, and urban gardening may need materials-
Student Care---
Skule Lunch$150
TTC Re-imbursement for learners and teachers on a needs basis$200
Total per month$550
Chalk – a cheap, creative, and engaging way to advertise is to write your message on the sidewalk$10
Business Cards$120
Outreach Total$270

How we plan to subsidize our budget:
  • Donation boxes at every free skule day
  • Student-led fundraising – ‘busking for learning’, art-sales, etc.
  • Ask specific businesses

Any amount you can donate to liberating education is greatly appreciated. The only way to a better world is through understanding and collaboration.

With utmost respect,

Occupy Free Skule


Monday, May 21, 2012

May 22nd Student Union Meeting

Location: 5th floor lounge OISE

1. De-brief of Sunday Classes
2. De-brief of Protest Earlier in the Day
3. Next Sunday's Classes
4. New Courses and New Class Days and Locations
5. Friday Outreach
6. Funding/Resources
7. Extras 

Hope to see you all there! 

The World Is Changing Because of Our Learning

What an absolutely amazing first day of St. James Classes yesterday! With over 45 people in attendance, we brought back community to a park once filled with revolutionaries.

Yoga, human rights, economics, democracy, deescalation, first aid, and city gardening -  great classes each and every one of them!

On a gorgeous summer day, we sit in a circle - the back of which is partly elevated by a hill - under the shade of a tree. Next to us is the gazebo which holds our lunch, our library, and our wandering learners.  It was amazing to sit in front of 25 people and "substitute-teach" human rights. As I probe the learner-teachers for answers on what makes a human right I look around: all the other teacher-learners and sitting in the class, actively participating. Learners are eager to be heard. Artists create beautiful artwork together as they too participate. Musicians are heard a few feet away. A few learners wander into the class; one or two wander out, sitting at the library to enjoy some potluck lunch and a good book.

It was a truly relaxing, truly fun learning, and teaching experience. I felt as though I were amidst the bohemian revolution. I felt supported, and loved by the skule community, and I shared that love back to the fullest of my capacity.

The human rights class discussed human rights violations in quebec, and will subsequently be doing a theatrical action on tuesday may 22nd at the student protest rally. If you would like to be involved...or informed, please meet us at hart house (UofT campus) at 1pm on Tuesday. bring a mask.
      We are also writing up a document of all the violations we discussed. If you would like to help in the creation of the document please email occupyfreeskule@gmail.com

If you would like to share your personal account or feelings on the day, please send them to our gmail account, and we will post it on the web!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Things for tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a day to take our education back into our own hands! 12-1 is the set up and discussion. It is a potluck do please bring what you can. We will also be making course signs so if you have any paint / cardboard to bring please do so as well!also if possible please bring a pen and notebook. If anyone would like to do morning chalking around the area, please send us an email! We have amazing classes set up, and I can't wait for the introductory classes tomorrow Hope to see you all there, ready to learn and share.

Friday, May 18, 2012

We Are Not Robots, and We Demand A Free Education That Treats Us Like Individuals

Thousands of students and community members fill the streets of Quebec, as the government passes by-laws to criminalize them through bill c-78: no masks allowed; a group of ten or more must give the police notice before engaging in any protest-related activity in public space; protesters cannot be within 50 meters of post-secondary education institutions. for more:


The government is violating our basic human right to assemble.

The free skule stands with the rallying cry for free education - at all levels, for all! Post-secondary education continues to be vehemently standardized and privatized....we get less and less, and are forced to pay more and more. Fix into boxes and shipped off for a jobless future. No more!

Will Ontario follow the Quebecois youth?

We certainly hope so, and we're here to help create the alternative!
May 22nd join us and hundreds of students at 2pm in from of Hart House as we march the streets to tell toronto that education is a right.


Education, the youth: these are investments, not expenses. And if we aren't investing in our children...then what's the point of money?

Occupy Democracy Course

Occupy Real Democracy

This is an eight seminar course spanning two hours each. The purpose of the course is to show that Occupy Movement is -- uniquely -- in the real democracy tradition of classical Athens; to provide powerful tools which reveal real democracy -- and expose oligarchy -- so everyone can understand and offer a better future that we can all work for together.

This is not a lecture course. At each session, new political ideas (the “tools”) will be introduced, clarified through question and answer, and applied directly to real world examples in a focussed discussion.

The course is based off a book, The Manifesto of Real Democracy, with readings available on the website. The course follows the arguments of the book, step by step.

See the Course Outline for lesson notes: Occupy Real Democracy

Instructor: Democrates

Website:  http://circleofdemocracy.net

Class begins May 20th at St James Park. See the schedule for tentative class dates and times.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Human Rights Course

Using readings, discussion, and group action, this course seeks to create a deep understanding to empower learners on how human rights are acheived, upheld and/or undermined in Canada, and the importance of a human rights focus in activism and community building work. we will examine history case studies current and potential campaigns for securing basic human rights such as food, housing, water, access to education, living wages etc. 

Teacher: Josephine Grey 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 15th Meeting Minutes

May 15th Meeting Minutes:


- Finalize Sunday Classes
- Advertising
- Snacks and Drink
- Next Location
- Tuesday May 22 free education rally support
- Odds and ends

Art Bomb Friday May 18th – volunteers needed!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday – meet in courtyard in front of OISE between 12-1: pick up business cards & stickers & chalk
- 1-3pm: split off to chalk the town in ads!
- Locations to hit: all 3 university campuses, around (but not in) st. james park, Kensington market
- If you could bring chalk that would be amazing!
- If you can bring money to cover printing costs, that would also be amazing!

Other Really Important Things from the Meeting:
- Tuesday Meetings were pushed back to 7pm
- Sunday is a pot-luck for the 12-1 gathering
- Think of an action that free skule can do for the May 22nd free tuition rally - bring thoughts to friday art bomb
- Think of next free skule location - bring thoughts to Sunday

Sunday May 20th Schedule:


yoga human rights equity and writing gardening, Economics Basic First Aid de-escalation

From 12 -1 on Sunday:

We need to…
- gather!
- Bring food and drink (potluck style)
- Discuss ‘what is free skule’, and what we expect from the day
- Decide on a location for next weekend
- Make signs for each of the classes
- Discuss Tuesday Action
- Set Up Library and class spaces

From 7-8pm on Sunday we need to…

- discuss how the day went
- talk about the future development of the courses
- remind ourselves of next week’s location & Tuesday’s event 


- Economics with dix: will write up a description
- Plans to start with discussion – understand knowledge levels of learners
- Dix and anne need to get in touch
- Tuesday is better for dix

Human rights – jo’s on it

Esoterics – need a description from chris

Equity – roxy, see website

De-escalation – practical course

Gardening à Occupy Gardens and Occupy Free Skule are going to go together from park to park (wooohooooo)
1 idea: recess = the whole school stop and plant a garden
For Sunday they will have 2 hours to discuss plans for the summer, and maybe plant a garden
Occupy Democracy 
- can’t start until june 3rd
- will do a intro in the last half hour of economics

snacks /drink:

- food not bombs cook every other Sunday
- laura will test out some recipes à quinoa apple crisp
- roxy will bring some lemonade
- if you’re attending, your welcome to bring a potluck “show up with your skule lunch”


- stickers: add url
- twitter: occupyfreeskule
- what are we posting:
- library events, book sales
- skule events
- popular education quotes
- free school things 
- dix to send out email through occupy education
- word of mouth
- ian to talk to anarchist book fair – after Calgary
- darcy will talk to finance about funding – won’t make it for this Sunday
- will have a donation box on Sunday
- laura to make donation box
- stickers and business cards and zines
- roxy will put in initial funds for some stickers, business cards, and zines

Friday art blitz:

St james park

Chalking messages:

- name
- website
- Sunday in st james *
- Free education
- Education as a tool for self-liberation and collective resistance
- Occupy your mind

Friday: 12-1 pick up stuff

-until we stop: chalking, stickering, etc. 
- chalking not permitted in park
- Darcy – contact left-wing press

Odds and Ends:

- start all classes with a mic check
- respectful tone around the event
- leave no trace…except for the garden
- signs for all the courses
- put the sign against the bicycle, put the bicycle against the tree
- Signs will be made at the pre-party (12-1pm on Sunday)

Next location:

- The free skule is supported the free education action on Tuesday
- mull over locations, decide on Sunday at pre-party

Tuesday meeting – pushed to 7pm.

Tuesday action – think about it, we’ll decide at art meeting on Friday

Ideas for the future…

- Self-directed learning ventures 
- Another library call out: if you have space for our books….please contact Roxy
- Pay what you can book sale – sell off 1-2 crates of fiction from the library: ask GA for approval

Occupy Economics: The Road to a Fair and Sustainable Economy

Workshop: The Road to a Sustainable and Fair Economy

The current economic system cannot go on, this has been clear for some time: it is morally and technologically bankrupt. But how can we actually change the course?

We invite you to participate in our workshop, where we will discuss and further develop a number of concrete proposals for change of the following aspects of the present socio-economic system.

Some of the areas that will be covered include:
  • Banking and Financial Speculation 
  • Banking Structures 
  • The Function of Cost 
  • Energy, Transportation & Housing 
  • Political and International Aspects 
Instructor: Dix
Email: contact@occupyeconomics.ca
Website: OccupyEconomics.ca

Course Materials available by the Toronto Free Skule: The Road to a Sustainable Economy

This course will be kicking of May 20th at St. James Park! For more class times and locations please refer to the schedule or email OccupyFreeSkule@gmail.com

Monday, May 14, 2012

Student Union Meeting Tomorrow May 15

The next Student Union Meeting is scheduled. Please come to OISE, 252 Bloor Street West (at University Subway Station) between 5 and 7 PM. 5th floor lounge. MAP

Agenda: Classes for Sunday
                   Info + Library
                     snacks and drink

Tuesday, May 22nd - free education rally - support and action (?)

Inquiries: OccupyFreeSkule@gmail.com

Friday, May 11, 2012

Equity Writing Course

Equity Writing by the Free Skule

This is an on-going course - as long as there are learner-teachers, it will continue to be taught.

This is a course to develop your personal understanding of equity issues within and related to Canada, as well as your writing, and presentation skills.

We will spend two weeks on each subject - subjects range from non-violent action, to 'what's the difference between colonialism, neocolonialism, post-colonialism, and imperialism', to missing and murdered indigenous women of Vancouver.

The first class of each topic will include reading excerpts from prominent equity writers such as bell hooks, michael foucault, sherene razack, george dei, gurpreet singh johal, jean swanson, and many more. And discussing them as a group.

Then, each learner-teacher will be asked before the next class to write a personal reflection piece on the subject - incorporating ideas from the readings. We will edit one anothers' pieces, and many re-write them. The extent of the writing process will be determined by the will and want of the learner-teachers.

In every 5th and 6th class (so after 2 subjects), we, as a class, will determine how we would like to spread our knowledge to the rest of the city, and actually do so: do we want to produce a zine? Write out our thoughts in chalk all along the city streets? Write letters to government officials demanding change based on what we know? The possibilities are endless, and I look forward to exploring them with you!

This course is very focused on: WHAT? SO WHAT? NOW WHAT?

Courses offered every Sunday - Refer to the schedule or email for time and location.

Teacher: Roxy Cohen
Email: OccupyFreeSkule@gmail.com

Course Materials: Equity Writing

De-escalation Course on May 20th

De-escalation class is a two hr class that covers a lot of ground.

Have you ever been caught in the middle between two friends bickering? Have you seen co-works worked up over what seems to be nothing?

Then you have probably been in the need for deescalation training. Come to the Free Skule in St. James park to receive this one time free training. Spots are limited so arrive early to get the best training and learn about the free skule concept.

Time Slot: 5-7pm Sunday May 20th.

Teacher: Ian Smart

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Course Guidelines and Approval Process

Ok, you caught us...we're pretty lax on our course guidelines. Or rather, we trust that individuals who get involved in the free skule hold the same ideals of education as the skule, and they will strive to re-create these democratic, popular ideals in each of their classes. We also trust the learner-teachers to use their voice, and their feet: if your teacher-learner wants to simply lecture at you for 3 hours, 6 weeks straight, use your voice to tell zim that this is not the way you want to learn! If the teacher-learner persists, bring it to the student union and/or go to a different class.

However, we do have suggestions, guidelines, ideals - whatever you want to call them - that we ask are followed:

  • Courses may be taught by 1 teacher-learner, co- or rotating teacher-learners, etc. It is ideal that courses be taught by co-teacher-learners, but not required 
  • There is no content-restriction - the students will self-govern the courses by either showing up to learn, or not.
  • We ask for action based courses: this means, that we are asking learner-teachers, and teacher-learners to take the knowledge they learn together, and bring it into real world settings. This might mean the human rights class sending in documents to the UN, the philosophy class hosting a speakers corner on the street, the gardening class guerilla gardening, etc. 
  • In this, we ask that courses contain minimal lecturing - what minimal means is left up to the teacher-learner to decide. For a history class, it may be necessary to have an hour lecture followed by an hour discussion, but for a writing class, there may be no lecturing necessary at all. 
  • We also ask that teacher-learners take 5-15 minutes at the beginning and end of their classes to discuss how everyone in the class is doing. This check-in is a free skule ideal, to be implemented at the teacher-learner/learner-teachers' convenience/desire 
Course Approval: Approval by the student union does not mean whether the course is approved or not, but rather, how we can make it work.

What the student union needs from our teacher-learners before a course can begin:
  • A Short Description
  • Time-requirements (is it 2 or 3 hours, 1 or 8 weeks)
  • If you require a student minimum or maximum
  • Resource and space requirements
  • A loose, basic lesson plan for Day 1.
Remember...our course co-ordinator is here to help! Send occupyfreeskule@gmail.com an email letting us know what kind of support you need

Student Union Meeting Minutes - May 9th

Roles and Structure
Course Approval
Core Team Roles
Summer Plans
Next Day of Classes

Intros: In attendance....Laura, Roxy, Alex, Ian, Darcy, Christopher, Dix, Alice
- Seeing as this was our first student union, we went over a brief re-cap of the Free Skule's progress so far.
- Free skule started having meeting in the early winter, in and amidst another project which never came to be
- we discussed what education meant to all of us, and how we envision future classrooms. This lead us to create our living document, which was later published in the form of our first zine, which you can check out on this site for more details.
- within the group, there was a lack of accountability, and commitment...which meant we weren't moving forward. No project can be successful without people to hold it up.
- This lead us to create our wonderful organizational structure, which you can also find in the 1st volume zine.
- We had our first day of classes on May 3rd at the re-occupation, which was very sucessful. Some classes had low attendance, but that is to be expected as most people present did not sleep the night before, and the camp itself was in low attendance. The smallest class had 4 students, the largest 8.
- At the re-occupation we had our first skule-wide discussion (to happen once a month), which was attended by about 15 people, and went very well.

Roles and Structure: 
- we once again went over the structure for the free skule organization:
here it is again:

The Core Team: administrative / co-coordinating roles, including, but not limited to: student co-coordinator, space finder, course-coordinator, zine editor, web administrator, and supply director. In short, the core group keeps the wheels spinning, and co-ordinates volunteers. Each member of the core group is responsible to mentor a, of team of, successor(s) within a 6 month period. An individual must be a part of the student union to become a member of the core team. In this way, we stay fluid and collective.

Student Union: anyone can become a member. All they have to do is attend two meetings, and put in 4 hours of volunteer work - this has been dropped for the first month. We have meetings once a week. Safe space guidelines apply; must agree to overall principles of free skule. There will also be a volunteer orientation meeting every week, or on a needs basis.
Proposals: Anyone can make a new proposal, member or visitor. Major decisions must be proposed at least 1 week in advance. Other proposals can be made on the fly. Proposals that cannot easily be amended go to an ad hoc committee or the authoring group to be re-worked and represented at the next meeting
Decision-Making: We start with full consensus. If, after much discussion, there are over 50% stand-asides or 10% blocks, we move to 90%. For major decisions, everyone must be present; quorum fluctuates with importance of decision. Different types of decisions have different decision-making processes. Changes to core documents require full participation and a super majority, while regular decisions require quorum and a simple majority; and decisions that are made and executed by a working group only need to be communicated to the larger whole

Courses: anyone can teach. Each course becomes an affinity group  - responsible for its own development; it must be approved by the student union with regular updates at least once a month. 

Skule-wide discussion: On the 2nd of every month. The whole community comes together to discuss the free skule structure, what’s working, what’s missing, how we can better ourselves, etc. No decisions are made. 


Course Approval: As a group, we needed to decide what it means for the student union to approve a course, and what requirements we place on a course. After about an hour discussion, here's what we came up with (100% consensus was reached on each point):

Approval does not mean whether the course is approved or not, but rather, how we can make it work.

Course Guidelines:
- Courses may be taught by 1 teacher-learner, co- or rotating teacher-learners, etc. It is ideal that courses be taught by co-teacher-learners, but not required
- There is no content-restriction - the students will self-govern the courses by either showing up to learn, or not
- We ask for action based courses: this means, that we are asking learner-teachers, and teacher-learners to take the knowledge they learn together, and bring it into real world settings. This might mean the human rights class sending in documents to the UN, the philosophy class hosting a speakers corner on the street, the gardening class guerilla gardening, etc.
- In this, we ask that courses contain minimal lecturing - what minimal means is left up to the teacher-learner to decide. For a history class, it may be necessary to have an hour lecture followed by an hour discussion, but for a writing class, there may be no lecturing necessary at all.
- We also ask that teacher-learners take 5-15 minutes at the beginning and end of their classes to discuss how everyone in the class is doing. This check-in is a free skule ideal, to be implemented at the teacher-learner/learner-teachers' convenience/desire

What the student union needs from our teacher-learners before a course can begin:
- A Short Description
- Time-requirements (is it 2 or 3 hours, 1 or 8 weeks)
- If you require a student minimum or maximum
- Resource and space requirements
- A loose, basic lesson plan for Day 1.


Core Team: again, those occupying core team positions are not those who are responsible to do all the work, but rather are responsible to make sure all the grunt work gets done. They are also the ones who have more time to commit.
* note: we are looking to change our names to much more fun, and outside the box titles....ideas?

Core team positions we already have filled.....
Course Co-ordinator: this role includes - finding and contacting teacher-learners, making sure they submit a proposal to the student union, creating a schedule, and support for teacher-learners - particularly those who are not familiar/comfortable with popular education models, the course-co-ordinator is there to help develop curriculum, find activities, etc.
                        - Roxy has taken up this role

Outreach Co-ordinator: this role includes: building allies, and contacting other groups also working on education; logos, flyers, newsletter, and zine.
                         - Laura outreaches for free skule

Web Administrator: develop and update the website; keep up administration of contact lists
                         - Darcy administers our web

Space Co-ordinator: finding space "in case of rain", choosing parks/locations, searching for fall space.
                         - Christopher will find us space!......and make/maintain a twitter account

Rotating Vacation: to prevent activist burnout, we find it important to keep our core team on rotating vacations...everyone needs to relax
                         - Alice will relax for all of us for 2 weeks.

Core team positions still needed to be filled (THAT MEANS YOU!)
Student Co-ordinator: get us students!!!!! Advertise! Send out emails! Be a listening ear to current students! Works with outreach and course co-ordinator to make free skule far reaching, and far out!

Supply Acquirer: We need supplies - paper, pens, hero tents, arts and crafts supplies, etc. Scrounge, get union funding, university funding, state funding. Whatever your means, we need you!
                         - Alex is going to ask his union for some supply $$$$  - go Alex, go!

Librarian: we didn't talk about this one at the meeting, but it dawned on me that it would be very nice to have someone dedicated to the library. This includes acquiring new books, finding space for the books, taking care of the mobile library, dealing with loans, etc.
                     - Roxy and Laura currently do this work


Summer Plans:
We Will Be Learning and Teaching Every Sunday and Tuesday.

Tuesday: 3-5pm - courses
                 5-7pm - student union meeting ****student union meetings have been changed to this time
                 7-9pm - courses

Sunday: 12-1pm - meet up, talk, coffee and snacks, half hour optional yoga and meditation
                1-3pm - courses
                3-5pm - courses
                5-7pm - courses
                7-8pm - informal skule talk: how did the day go, what can we do better, what did you learn?

Additional notes:
Every day needs some sort of food and drink
We need a new name for the skule - keep it in mind, we'll have a submission time for everyone to give suggestions
The library will join every day of class

Next Day of Classes:
SUNDAY MAY 20th @ St. James Park 12-8pm! List of Courses to be displayed soon!


Volunteering needed before the 20th:
Advertising - mic checks, word of mouth, flyers
Library - cataloguing, decorating the mobile library
Courses - need descriptions from teachers
Students -we need students on the day
Food/Drink - anyone?




Minutes written up by: Roxy
For members who were present, please comment if i missed anything, or mis-interpreted anything 

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Student Union Meeting Tomorrow 7-9pm

Tomorrow (Wednesday May 9th) evening, from 7-9pm we have our first official student union meeting!
On the Agenda:
- Recap (minutes, structure, ideals, conduct, etc)- Course Approval - what does this mean and how is it achieved? - Sunday - courses, location, advertising, announcing location, etc- Summer Plans- Assigning Tasks

We hope to have free skule running on Sunday (May 13th), so there's lots of planning that needs to get done. 

Location: Hart House Bickersteth Room: http://maps.google.ca/maps?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=hart+house+toronto&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=hart+house&hnear=0x89d4cb90d7c63ba5%3A0x323555502ab4c477%2CToronto%2C+ON&cid=0%2C0%2C11305689655829131714&ei=KkqpT4TeC6Wg6QGT5qH5AQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQ_BIwAA