Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Student Union Minutes - May 22nd

Alex - asked his union for $ from union, but didn’t work out

Roxy - today some free skulers gathered at Hart House in solidarity with Quebec students

Free Skule quoted in press release - what’s the point of $ if we’re not investing in the youth - along those lines

350 people by 2 pm

Roxy and Trey facilitated mini-GA - hit up University and College, in front of Police HQ, to Ryerson, then dispersed. Overall good rally, good momentum and spirit. After, there was a mtg (15 people) interested in continuing discussion > next action June 5th 6pm. And the OSMC, the Ontario Student Mobilization Coalition

Dix - what happened to Occupy Student group?

Roxy - I think they just totally fizzled out

Dix - there was a lot of people in the first mtg. but after 2nd mtg it got unproductive.

Arestia - occupy wants to be involved in this.

Laura - there was a school in Chatham I think where the student union was ousted. I guess stuff like this would fall under OSMC.

-------part of meeting missing------ask us on sunday or at the next meeting if you would like the details---------

Roxy - officially we are educators not organizers and do not advocate violence

Dix - I think the police are on the offensive.

Arestia - its amazing how well they’ve gotten used to those bikes - just cage you in.

Laura - I think we should keep in mind escalation with police

Mao - had made rapport with a cop in the park, and saw him again on May 1st

Dix- talked to cop about demonstration and why they were here. Surprised they didn’t just allow people to go into Simcoe Park

Mao - it was a trap - they had us basically caged.

Laura - maybe we could have a what-the-police-institution-looks-like workshop

Roxy - met Jenn, from Free University New York. I think we should organize with them and the Free Uni UK. Jenn has two strings of the school; one is the uni with regular weekly courses, other (forget name) does tactical free school, doing actions, etc. They occupied ministry of education and had a class. Something to keep in mind as we move forward.

Mao - mumble is good for conference calls

Dix - in Copenhagen economics students have rebeled and in Paris. In fall perhaps we should also get into that.
-i think we can get all kinds of classes, using mic check get kids out of the classroom. It’s really important to break down this learning structure.

Roxy - I think we can start some really cool classes going. FUNY has radical algebra

Arestia - can they send us their curriculum

Laura - should we make a promo video

alex - “are you tired of sitting on the couch all day?”
    -can have testitmonials

Arestia - it would be cool is free skule could go throughout Ontario.

Alex and Laura have connections in CFS

Dix - I have a 32” tv we could potentially use

Dave can run a silk screen workshop but needs funds

Alex - can contact grad student union for money

Laura - i think we could get under an umbrella org for non-profit so we can accept donations

Roxy - funding - estimate for a week (“Fund a week!” or “Fund Media”, etc)
Reworking Funding Proposal Document

Alex- concern about being in one park over and over and the cops coming in

Laura - i think it’s hard for people grouped to learn to look like bad guys

Roxy - we are not just one large org

    -one task for next week is make list of possible donation sources

Dix - about going somewhere like Nathan Phillips Sq with info and such ask for donations.

Arestia- could have also have wksps

Mao - we can set up an account at Alterna - needs 2 signatories - set up as community account

Dix - research credit union, alterna, etc for best option for us

Alex -  hoped to have more food, and also larger breaks

Roxy - 15 min breaks?

Overview of sunday
-we should have info on where to go to washrooms and other things
-we should have water - how are we going to bring it? have a jug we can fill at second cup?
-should put call out for people to bring own cups and plates and
-keep eye on size of groups and keeping it together
-maybe we should cut large groups into two
-coordinate to have one volunteer to be by the library (1-3, 3-5, 5-7) and put it outward facing more and not put stuff in front of it - Brian could do organizing around that
-should we have people RSVP for classes? easier to organize - Roxy already keeping track of people who want to regularly take class and pass contact info to TLs

-Roxy - friday another reach-out day
Laura to edit business cards