Thursday, April 26, 2012

Zine Issue #1 2012: Explicit vs. Implicit Learning in School

They think of me as empty. To be filled with what they know as truth.

They teach me history.
            But they lie - telling have truths. I learn about the signing of
            papers, but whole cultures, whole histories, are made
            invisible to me. I got an A in history, but know only the illusion.
Caged by imposed ignorance. One history. History. The cultures and generational pasts of my classmates made invisible...erased.

They celebrate our multiculturalism.
            Your home life as exoticized show and tell.
            Cultures not Canadian - what is Canadian culture but
the denial of others? - not suited for public life.
We must all put on the mask of normal. Invisibilize difference.

They sit me in rows, facing a teacher, and tell me to sit still. Listen.
            Knowledge is the property of experts. Valid knowledge          comes in the form of quotes, quote authority.
         There will always be authority, to: look to, aspire to, and
follow unquestionably. You are nothing but an empty shell- sit down. Listen. Accept. If you stir, you will be medicated.

They teach me essay structures.
            Mass produce, they whisper in my ear. Caste aside
creativity, and individuality. Express yourself in the lines.          Uniformity.

They test me, grade me.
            Memorize. Regurgitate. Forget. Memorize. Regurgitate.
Competition: You are only good if others are bad.
Only through hierarchy can success be achieved.

                        Graduate. Ready for the work force.