Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Things To Know, Do, and Consider Based On The Minutes - May 22nd
To Know:
1. Classes will once again be held on Sunday in St James Park starting at 12pm the schedule so far looks like this:
12-1 - potluck and yoga and general skule discussion
1:15-3:15 - human rights, and deescalation
3:30-5:30 - equity and writing (*assignment: write a 1-2 page piece answering: "who are you in relation to the world", bring to class), and economics
To Do:
1. It is once again a potluck. please bring cutlery/plates if you can...and food!
2. Friday is another day of streetreach - if you can make it to: chalk, hand out business cards, busk for funds, or any combination, please contact us!
3. Send out that funding proposal to those you think could donate! while you're at it, link us up with any group working on/who would be interested in similar educational projects around the city.
To Consider:
1. Occupy Gardens is planning to garden in Queens Park from 5-7pm on Sunday. Do we want to, as a skule, shift our final classes over there - so we can have gardening and first aid, and so they can have more growers?
2. We are looking to start a second day of classes the week of June 12th. Any day preference...we're thinking Tuesday.
3. We have officially endorsed the Ontario Student Mobilization Coalition (OSMC).