Friday, April 20, 2012

Zine Issue #1 2012 ‘Love As A Practice of Education'’

Zine Issue #1 2012 ‘Love As A Practice Of Education'

"A love ethic presupposes that everyone has the right to be free, to live fully and well. To bring a love ethic to every dimension of our lives, our society would need to embrace change" - bell hooks

We are trained to think of love as a private emotion to be held between two people. But love is so much more than that. As an ethic, the basic principle of how we live, love, as bell hooks says, is "revolutionary change." When we take this into the context of learning, of school, nothing could make more sense. An ethic of love demands that we free ourselves from the isolated shackles of education; those that make us compete, to view collaboration as cheating. A love ethic instead nurtures us to find strength in each other - to recognize difference as the tool towards deep understanding. A love ethic dictates an education involving the whole community to create feelings of belonging and purpose.

The greatest revolution is denying all the images that tell you you're not good enough. Rather, loving yourself enough to open up to others, to challenges, to learning, and to growth. Learning is the continual process of becoming; love is the action that guides us. Never deny yourself growth. Bring learning into every aspect of your life. Discover yourself through the search for knowledge. Love. Love Now. Always love. It'll change the world.